Our juice uses a Cold Press method that does not involve high heat and therefore preserves the ingredients' nutrients and vitamins.

Other brands use Centrifugal Juicing, which utilizes high spinning blades, creating high heat that causes the ingredients to oxidize, reducing the ingredients' benefits.


Juice Menu

Wellness Shots added to your daily routine can help you get your daily recommendation of vitamins & nutrients.

DOUBLE SHOTS 4oz for $6

  1. IMMUNITY BOOST (Orange & Ginger)

  2. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY (Pineapple & Ginger)

  3. ENERGY & STAMINA (Beet, Pear, Lemon & Ginger)

  4. RECOVERY & HYDRATION (Watermelon & Ginger)

  5. HEALTHY GREEN (Spinach, Apple, Lemon & Ginger)

  6. SUPER GREEN (Kale, Celery, Cucumber, Apple, Lemon & Ginger)

Every Double Shot contains fresh fruits and vegetables to give you a boost towards your wellness needs.

Juice Cleansing restores, detoxify and balances the body.

Six 12oz Juices for the Day

  1. 8am - Celery

  2. 10am - Kale, Cucumber, Parsley, Apple, Lemon, Ginger

  3. 12pm - Apple, Lemon, Ginger

  4. 3pm - Carrot, Grapefruit, Apple, Ginger

  5. 5pm - Coconut Water Powder, Activated Charcoal, Maple Syrup, Lemon, Water

  6. 8pm - House Made Almond Milk, Vegan Protein Powder, Pink Himalayan Salt, Maple Syrup

Day cleanse can be for as many days as you feel is needed and can also be used for weight management.

Order Today!

Call or Text Jessica at
(917) 287-7815